Wednesday, 26 November 2014

D.B: Lesson 26th November

Before the lesson, me and Alex came to edit in first period because we both had a free. 

The current time indicator of the entirety of our footage is just under an hour and for the whole of the free i went through each clip we had and cut the very best bits that we would use and grouped them together nearer the audio of the clip where we were finely editing our final video. Wherever necessary i deleted clips we didn't need in order to tidy up the timeline. 

[get screenshot of whole timeline of the end of the work bar area]

By only having the very best parts of our footage in one place it is much easier to drag and drop them over the audio of our track and decide exactly where we want each shot to go. I wasn't completely focused on cutting the clips perfectly in time with the music because my aim is to get a rough cut done by the end of the week.

In a previous lesson I had edited some text over a few clips that visually showed the lyrics of  the song that were being mentioned in time with the audio. We decided that this technique was not visually intriguing enough for us to repeat it throughout the video and therefore in a brash but necessary decision we decided to delete it completely. 

There is a section of the visual timeline that cuts very quickly between a clip of one of our dancers putting their hands in the air with another clip place on top of the other dancer doing the same thing on the other side of the screen. By highlighting the best section of this edited footage I grouped all clips together so that whenever we drag and dropped them the timing of the clips would not be effected.

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