Saturday, 18 October 2014

Group: Concept Development 17th october

-We have decided to use artificial lighting for the shots of our main character infront of a  greenscreen. we didnt like the look of natural lighting so we have decided to use the drama room at our school as the location to shoot this in. We know how to use the lighting and we will go on a location recce there as soon as possible.

- When we film our main character infront of the greenscreen we want his costume to be black as this way he will slightly blend into the background we will be applying in post production.

- Through out our video we will be playing with the concept 'gold is not enough' relating it to the main character that he isnt enough. We will portray this by having gold featured through out the video linking it to the character. One specific shot we would like to achieve if have gold kaleidoscope patterns overlayed on his eyes during the bridge of the song to represent him as gold.

-Our video will have an amplified relationship with the lyrics as we will play with the concept of Gold and his self doubt.

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